Contact Details

Gatton Place,
St. Matthews Road,
RH1 1TA,
United Kingdom


Contact Names

Perinatal Therapist & Operational Lead: Catherine Taylor 


Phone: 07584 888297

Service Description

The Parent-Infant Mental Health Service, known as PIMHS, works with parents expecting a baby and with babies up to the age of one year. We are a small team of specialist health visitors, child psychotherapists, and perinatal therapists.

We build on the strengths of parents while recognising the challenges they face in developing a positive relationship with their infant. We support parents when they struggle to relate to or have any positive feelings about their babies.

We help parents who may have difficult feelings during pregnancy and in the weeks after the baby has been born.

This short video briefly overviews the service and how we can support you.

How we can help you

If you are expecting a baby or have a baby less than a year old and are finding it difficult to develop a positive relationship with your baby, the PIMHS team may be able to help.

We provide a safe space for you to think about the relationship you have with your baby. We may use baby massage and encourage you to play with and talk to your baby. Sometimes it’s helpful to try to think about how your baby is feeling and what your baby might be trying to tell you through his/ her sounds and body movements. Filming the positive parts of these sessions for you to watch later can be helpful. We also may offer you to attend Circle of Security ® a parenting programme that is delivered in groups or individually.

Mental Health Crisis Support

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress you can contact our Mental Health Crisis Helpline on 0800 915 4644. We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for mental health advice and support. More information at

People with speech or hearing difficulties can access the mental health crisis line by:

  • Dialling us through the BT Relay App or Textphone: 18001 0800 915 4644. More information at
  • Sending an SMS text to 07717 989 024 (Please note this service is only available to adults aged 18 years and over).

Referral Process

Babies and their parent/s can be referred by professionals already involved in their care.
Referrals are made via the One Stop Referral Service

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NB: Map points may not be 100% accurate and are for general reference only. Please contact the service directly if you require directions.