For the financial year 2016-17, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust had operating income of £164 million and operating expenditure of £149 million. The Trust generated a surplus for the year of £15.6m. The Trust exceeded its control total of £1.060m, including eligibility for £0.960m of Sustainability and Transformation Funding (STF) from the Department of Health, by £0.086m. In exceeding our control, the Trust also became eligible for a further £4.257m STF. Hence our reported surplus exceeded plan as a result of this additional STF, of £0.682m greater gain on disposal of assets than plan and of an upward revaluation of our property portfolio.

Most of our money is provided through Clinical Commissioning Groups, Specialist Commissioning and Local Authorities. 

Chief Finance Officer, Graham Wareham, has corporate responsibility for the oversight of the Trust’s finances. He can be contacted at:

Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust,
18 Mole Business Park,
Randall's Road,
KT22 7AD

The Trust Board also receives a monthly financial report. It is a key target of our regulator, NHS Improvement, that we achieve our agreed control total each year. This information will be posted on the Trust's website.

For further information visit our strategies and reports page.

How We Purchase Our Equipment & Supplies

As a public body the Trust is required to seek and demonstrate Value for Money with all its spend. Procurement is governed by a set of EU and UK principles that are designed to ensure a level playing field for buyers and suppliers on which to conduct business. These principles legally apply to procurement activity above the EU Public Procurement Thresholds, currently around £164K; however, the Trust will endeavour to apply the principles proportionately to all procurement activity, regardless of spend.

The Trust will endeavour to undertake competitive processes wherever possible; however, there are a few exemptions that can be granted.  The Trust’s Standing Financial Instructions detail the grounds for exemptions.  In addition, the UK and EU procurement legislation also provides grounds for exemption from competition in specific circumstances.