Mental health crisis helpline (all ages)
24-hour support is available to all in Surrey and North East Hampshire experiencing a mental health crisis.
Call 0800 915 4644 for free if you or someone you care for is in a crisis.
If you are at immediate risk of harm, call 999.
Additional requirements
People with speech or hearing difficulties can access the service by:
- Dialling us through the BT Relay App or Textphone: 18001 0800 915 4644
Get more information at
- Sending an SMS text to 07717 989 024 (Please note this service is only available to adults aged 18 years and over).
What can I expect?
Your call will be answered by one of our experienced call handlers who will help you access the support you may need.
This may involve speaking to a qualified Mental Health Practitioner such as a Social Worker or Occupational Therapist.
If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress we can:
- Listen to you and help you work through immediate problems
- Work with you, using your crisis plan, to find ways to move forward or suggest ways of coping
- Give you information about other services that may be helpful to you or the person you care for
We can also advise you about the wide range of local and national help available including:
- Relevant mental health services
- Statutory and third-sector organisations e.g. helplines, support groups and networks, advocacy services
- Information on specific conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, psychosis and obsessive-compulsive disorders
- If necessary we can help you to speak to another qualified practitioner
Will my call be confidential?
Yes. Details of your call will be stored in your electronic health record, and remain confidential within Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
However, we will inform the emergency services if you say that you are intending to either harm yourself, or others; commit a crime or place a child at risk.
Your call may also be recorded for training or monitoring purposes.
Safe Havens - Virtual and face-to-face support
Our Safe Havens provide out-of-hours help and support to people and their carers who are experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress.
There are five Safe Havens across Surrey and North East Hampshire which are open evenings, weekends, and bank holidays:
Children and Young People (Mindworks Surrey)
There is a free 24/7 mental health crisis line for children aged from six years, young people and their families/carers who are in crisis.
Healthcare Professionals
If you are a healthcare professional or a voluntary or statutory agency you can make a referral into our adult mental health services for any person experiencing a mental health crisis by contacting our 24 hour dedicated support service.