We are a smokefree Trust. This means that people who use our services, carers, visitors and staff cannot smoke in any of our buildings or grounds, including our car parks and gardens. We also ask that people do not bring any tobacco products into our buildings. Read our Smokefree Policy.

If you smoke, we will provide you with support to help you abstain from smoking whilst on our sites or quit for good.

We have Tobacco Dependency Advisors working in our Trust to support people who use services, their families and carers and staff to quit smoking and to signpost people to the specialist stop smoking.

Support for people who use our services and carers

Inpatient services

It is your choice whether you decide to quit smoking or just manage your nicotine dependency whilst you are staying with us. We will support you with whatever you choose.

We will offer you either a daily use e-cigarette or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) within 30 minutes of arrival. 

NRT comprises products such as patches, gum and mouth spray that provide you with a source of nicotine, without the tar, carbon monoxide and other poisonous chemicals present in tobacco smoke. It can help reduce unpleasant withdrawal effects, such as bad moods and cravings, which may occur when you stop smoking. NRT can be provided as a combination of these products or can be in combination with an e-cigarette depending on your assessment.

While staying as an inpatient, you will be able to access one to one and group-based stop smoking support and tobacco education sessions.

If you choose to stop smoking, when you are discharged we will provide you with a 14-day supply of your chosen nicotine replacement treatment and refer you for specialist stop smoking support.

Please note that:

  • Tobacco products are not allowed on the wards in any form and you will be asked to hand these in together with any ignition sources upon arrival. These will be passed to your carers/visitors for return to your home wherever possible.
  • If you leave the ward at any point and return with tobacco or ignition devices these will be disposed of.
  • Section 17 Leave will only be granted for therapeutic activities and will not be given for the purpose of smoking.

Can I vape?
You are free to vape in designated areas on Trust premises. Speak to a member of staff for further advice.

Community services

Our community services staff are trained to provide advice about stopping or reducing smoking and can refer anyone who would like further guidance to specialist help and support.

If you are visited by our staff at home please do not smoke, or allow another person to smoke, in or near the room where the visit will be taking place during the visit and at least one hour prior to the arranged time.


We can also support carers to cut down or stop smoking by putting you in touch with your local specialist stop-smoking service. See details of these organisations below under the heading 'support for everyone'.

Support for everyone

Anyone living in Surrey or Hampshire can access free support to stop smoking from their local specialist service.

Surrey - One You

In Surrey stop smoking services are provided by One You Surrey. 

You can self-refer for stop smoking services online or call 01737 652168 (Mon-Friday 9am-5pm).

Hampshire - Smokefree Hampshire

In Hampshire services are provided by Smokefree Hampshire.  

You can self-refer for stop smoking services online or call  01264 563039 (Mon-Friday 9am-5pm).

Smoking and mental health

It's widely known that stopping smoking improves our physical health, but it's also proven to boost mental health and wellbeing. In fact, smokers are also more likely than non-smokers to develop depression over time and smokers who have existing mental health conditions need higher doses of some antipsychotic medicines and antidepressants because smoking interferes with the way these medicines work.

When people stop smoking, studies show:

  • anxiety, depression and stress levels are lower
  • quality of life and positive mood improve
  • the dosage of some medicines used to treat mental health problems can be reduced

Most smokers say they want to stop, but some continue because smoking seems to relieve stress and anxiety – however the relief from smoking is only temporary and in fact it's the effects of smoking itself that are likely to have caused the anxiety in the first place. Find out more on the NHS website.