Stay connected with our Trust - become a Trust member today!

By joining more than 6,000 members of our Trust, you can stay connected with what's happening in your local healthcare system and help us shape mental health, drug and alcohol, neurodiversity, and learning disability services in Surrey and north east Hampshire. 

Why join us?

Benefits of membership include:

  • Updates about changes to services, upcoming events, or important announcements like building closures

  • A free copy of our regular magazine, Partnership People 

  • Access to the national NHS Discounts Scheme

  • Opportunities to share your feedback and play a role in the development of local services

  • Access to members' events to get involved in shaping the future of our services

  • Opportunities to stand for election on our Council of Governors

Becoming a member

Becoming a member is simple and free. All residents of England over the age of 14 are welcome to join. 

Your level of involvement is entirely up to you and you can be adjusted if your circumstances change. If you are a member of another NHS Foundation Trust you can still become a member of our Trust.

To talk to a member of staff please call our membership team on 07553 702 892.

Members' events

Our members' events take place throughout the year and all members are welcome to attend.