We support research that produces benefits for the people who use our services and the communities we serve.
Our core purpose is to promote wellbeing and improve people's mental and physical health by delivering excellent and responsive prevention, diagnosis, early intervention, treatment and care.
Research is integral to promoting high-quality healthcare and our vision is to create a vibrant and collaborative research culture within our Trust that is at the forefront of innovation, evidence-based practice, and effective service delivery.
An overwhelming proportion of the public and healthcare leaders recognise the wide-ranging benefits yielded by research into new approaches and treatments and agree that it should be prioritised within the NHS.
People who use our services are automatically opted into hearing about our research studies. This means that we'll contact you to see if you are interested in taking part in our research studies unless you opt out of this. You can opt out by contacting the team directly on 01372 216584 or by emailing research@sabp.nhs.uk.
To get involved in or find out more about any of our studies please get in touch with our friendly team who will be happy to talk to you in more detail and answer any questions you have.
If you have participated in a study please tell us about your experience here. Alternatively, please call us on 01372 216584 to request a paper version or give feedback over the phone.