What is a Foundation Trust?
Foundation Trusts are part of the NHS, providing free care based on the needs of the local population. We have to meet NHS standards and are accountable for our performance to NHS Improvement, the independent regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts.
Why Become a Foundation Trust?
Foundation Trusts give local people and staff a greater say in how they are run. This is because we are controlled locally, not nationally, and have greater freedom to develop our services in line with the needs of the communities we serve.
We also have greater financial freedoms. We are able to retain and build surpluses that we generate to help improve our services and the buildings we provide these from.
How does a Foundation Trust Operate?
The day to day running of the Trust is the responsibility of the Chief Executive and other executive directors. With the Chairman and other non-executive directors, they form the Trust Board which is responsible for the organisation’s strategic direction and performance.
In addition, as a Foundation Trust we have a Council of Governors which is made up of elected members and appointed professionals from organisations closely linked with Surrey and Borders including Surrey County Council, Surrey Police and our commissioners. On behalf of the membership, it holds the Trust Board to account for delivering services and represents the interest of local communities.
Who Can Become a Member?
Membership is open to everyone living in England who is 14 or over. We are particularly keen for people who use services and their families to become members and share their experiences and suggestions with us.
Our membership comprises different constituencies to ensure that all of our communities have a say about our future development and are represented on the Council of Governors.
You can find out more about our constituencies and how the Council of Governors is made up by visiting our Governors section.