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Local and national supporting organisations

It is important to register with your local supporting organisation as soon as you identify as an unpaid carer. This will ensure you find out what support services are available to you. You may not require support initially however caring responsibilities change over time so it is good to know what is available. 

There are also a number of national supporting organisations that cover a range of specialist caring responsibilities. 

Further details for carer supporting organisations. 

Carers Assessment

Provided by Surrey County Council, a Carers Assessment is an opportunity to discuss the support or services a carer needs with a Social Care Practitioner. The assessment looks at how caring affects the Carer's life, for example, physical, mental, and emotional needs, and whether they are able or willing to carry on caring. 

If you have caring responsibilities, you have the right to ask for a Carers Assessment which looks at the impact your caring responsibilities have on your life and what social care support you might be eligible for.

If you are eligible, your needs could be met by a range of options, including paid services and services provided by the voluntary sector. If you are not eligible, we will give you information and advice on where you can get the help you want.

The assessment takes into account a range of factors such as:
•    Whether you get any time for yourself
•    How your other relationships are affected
•    If you have given up work/education/training or are considering doing so

A plan will then be developed with you, which includes details of the services available and information on local support groups for carers.

To find out more, please speak to the staff member caring for your loved one, or contact carerssabp@sabp.nhs.uk.

Carer's Prescription

The Carer's Prescription is a form of social prescribing for Carers. It is a multi-agency, online, secure, referral mechanism which allows professionals to refer Carers (including Young Carers and Young Adult Carers) to a range of Carer Support services available in Surrey.

Referrals are passed to Action for Carers Surrey, which provides information, advice and support for unpaid Carers of all ages. Services include a helpline, benefits advice, advocacy, back care, workshops, information and relaxation events (virtually and face to face), support groups, free resources and more. It also runs regular Hubs throughout Surrey, for Carers to drop into for support and information.

To find out more about a Carer's Prescription, please speak to the staff member caring for your loved one, or contact carerssabp@sabp.nhs.uk

John's Campaign

We are signed up to John's Campaign, which helps people providing care to someone with dementia, if the person is admitted to hospital. 

The campaign was started after John, who had dementia but was living a good life at home with support from his wife, sadly died after being admitted to hospital with leg ulcers. During his stay family visits were restricted and his decline was catastrophic. 

Involving Carers leads to better quality care because they are expert in the needs of that individual. If they are accepted as part of the care team they can provide insight and facilitate communication, leading to better outcomes.

Our older adult units have signed up to the campaign and allow Carers to stay overnight and to have flexible visiting hours. Carers are also actively involved in their loved one's discharge. 

To find out more speak to the nurse in charge on the ward or email carerssabp@sabp.nhs.uk.


The online family-focused mental health service that makes space for everyone.

  • "A space to explore, and to pause…."
  • "A space to find the solutions you need in a way that suits you."
  • "We listen, we care, and we understand. We don’t judge.​​​​​​"

Learn more here or contact carerssabp@sabp.nhs.uk for more information.

Carers Charter

Our Carers Charter sets out our promise to be a Carer-friendly Trust by supporting, involving, and valuing Carers.

We monitor our compliance with the Charter by training our staff to be carer aware, seeking the views of carers, and consistently implementing the Triangle of Care standard.

Carers Lead

Our Carers Lead works with those caring for people with mental health problems, to help them raise their concerns and make sure they are supported. 

The Carers Lead encourages Carers to get involved and have their say about the services we offer. 

The Carers Lead also works with our staff to improve the ways that we work with Carers.