Freedom of Information requests relating to IT and cyber.
- 11865 Use of WhatsApp
- 11751 Windows 11 Desktop and Laptop Usage
- 11234 Robotic Process Automation RPA - Intelligent Automation technology
- 11313 Virtual Wards
- 10539 Digital Innovation and strategy
- 11324 Complaints from patients alleging discriminated against due to overweight or obese
- 9949 Pagers
- 11013 Telephony – landline, Broadband and WAN
- 10943 Patient Administration System (PAS)
- 10699 PAS – EPR – EPMA suppliers
- 10734 Electronic Health Records (EHR)
- 10542 WAN, LAN, Telephony contracts
- 10192 Mobile phones - providers
- 10695 Mobile phone use
- 10681 Energy tariff and costs, allowances
- 10513 Robotic Process Automation - RPA
- 9459 Mobile phones and Mobile Broadband devices, contracts
- 10127 Windows 7 – XP
- 9481 Printers MFD suppliers, contracts
- 7976 PC and Windows 10
- 7746 RansomWare
- 9314 Agency shifts Oct to Nov 2020 - plus SNG, Thornbury and Nutrix agencies
- 9286 Board of Directors
- 9226 ICT Strategy and ICT Capital Programme budget
- 9169 Microsoft N365
- 9167 Cyber-attacks since 2015
- 8677 Application and software Development technologies
- 9101 PAS- EPR – EHR and Task Management functionality
- 8774 ICT M&T IS Strategy and Org Chart
- 8735 Food waste generated
- 8689 Sustainability and sustainable development strategy
- 8701 Digital – Network Endpoints, Service Tickets processed
- 8673 Trust intranet solutions
- 8145 ECT Calibration - service maintenance records
- 8527 Departmental Structure Information Governance, Records Management and Legal Services
- 8515 Mobile Devices, software solutions, virtual desktop, Breach management
- 8155 Cyber Security Firewall Anti-Virus Microsoft Enterprise
- 8126 Network provider contract details
- 8413 PAS-EPR supplier
- 7754 Printer MFD
- 6812 Big Hand
- 7627 Mixed Sex accommodation
- 8117 Simulation training – AI, Augmented, Mixed reality
- 7887 EPR Solutions – Patient and Clinical Portals
- 7877 IT solution - communications and results reporting
- 8007 Estates and IT contacts – IT subcontractors
- 7940 Director contact details
- 7818 NHS reporting - Informatics
- 7910 Data Protection Officer
- 7875 Use of wearable - smart watch devices
- 7922 Use of Personal devices for work activity
- 7811 Email information – Mailbox usage and policies
- 7776 Electronic health record software
- 7602 Web filtering contract
- 7647 Patient record integration
- 7697 IT Service Management
- 6839 IT expenditure Microsoft software licences
- 7523 Hardware and Virtualisation Contract
- 7389 Instant messaging by clinicians
- 7404 Digital Technology Department
- 7329 Intelligent Automation (IA) – RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
- 7305 Digital Records
- 7299 Rostering software - Allocate
- 6919 Computer Assisted Facilities Management system
- 6935 Mental health and wellbeing digital apps
- 6767 Digital Dictation
- 6988 Use of electronic patient records system
- 6890 Cyber Security
- 6811 E-Rostering software contract
- 6835 Medical Informatics PACS - VNA - RIS
- 6714 Social Engineering
- 6704 Digital Technology
- 6383 Cyber Security – Firewall – Anti-Virus – Microsoft Enterprise
- 6452 GDPR and information security
- 6471 Contact details
- 6213 Data Centre Request Information
- 6089 IT systems
- 6225 Digital Maturity Assessment
- 6220 3rd Party Hosting
- 6199 Data security and cybersecurity training
- 6153 Telecoms information
- 6076 Patient Administration Systems
- 6022 Fraudulent Emails
- 5418 EPR Systems
- 5403 Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Google Adwords
- 5366 Dictation and Typing Service
- 5304 Digital and Cloud Technology
- 5302 Fax Machines
- 5259 Counter Fraud
- 5255 Telephone Line Contract
- 5254 Scanners
- 5253 Super Recognisers
- 5246 Systems
- 5222 Body Cameras
- 5177 Cyber Security
- 5153 Health Apps
- 5105 Digital Dictation
- 5043 IT Managed Services
- 5023 Multifunctional Devices
- 5016 IT Service Management
- 5013 IT Strategies
- 4992 IT Services
- 4975 Windows XP
- 4971 Electronic IT Systems
- 4959 HL7 Messaging Service
- 4870 IT Systems
- 4867 Multifunctional Devices
- 4856 Smartphones
- 4791 Hardware and Virtualisation
- 4784 IT Structure
- 4773 IT Spend
- 4772 Integration Engine
- 4710 IT Contracts
- 4707 WannaCry Ransomware
- 4635 WAN Provider
- 4599 Social Media Breaches
- 4582 IT Management Contact Details
- 4580 Ransomware May 2017
- 4575 IT Ransomware
- 4492 IT Storage