Freedom of Information requests relating to all Surrey and Borders services.
- 9963 Mental health solicitors firms - Matrix Advocacy Service
- 9887 CAMHS data – waiting lists 2017-2018, 2018-2019; 2019-2020
- 9828 Gaming Disorders
- 9798 Patient Safety Specialists
- 9656 Staff bank utilisation AHP, Non-medical clinical, system used
- 9642 Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder - ARFID
- 9638 Blood pressure cuffs, SpO2, Procedure packs, Syringes used- spend
- 9636 2020-2021 Locum staffing – Medical doctors
- 9635 Retention policy
- 9559 Band 5 Agency Nurse rates and High Rates Band 5 Nurse hours
- 9481 Printers MFD suppliers, contracts
- 9479 Whistleblowing concerns 2020
- 9475 IAPT Improving Access to Psychological Therapies services and accreditation
- 9471 Band 2 HCA, 5, 6 hourly rates
- 9461 Infection Control
- 9453 Buccolam syringes
- 9438 Consultant level psychologists psychological therapists
- 9422 Independent Domestic Abuse – advisors and training
- 9420 Fatigue and Facilities Charter – spend, process
- 9331 Car Salary Sacrifice Scheme
- 9322 Restraint Reduction Network and intervention courses
- 9320 Workforce planning, talent management
- 9314 Agency shifts Oct to Nov 2020 - plus SNG, Thornbury and Nutrix agencies
- 9289 Psychotherapy Services practitioners
- 9287 Cases of hospital-acquired Covid-19
- 9286 Board of Directors
- 9277 Smoking cessation
- 9272 Datix – Risk Management System
- 9259 Covid-19 deaths February 2020 to November 2020
- 9257 Covid-19 deaths February 2020 to November 2020
- 9230 Covid-19 deaths February 2020 to October 2020
- 9186 Patient transport services 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, costs and suppliers
- 9174 Psychiatric beds – Occupied Bed Day costs – ECT treatments
- 9167 Cyber-attacks since 2015
- 9145 2019-2020 Staffing – agency spend hours
- 9115 Relocation service providers
- 9111 Just-R
- 9101 PAS- EPR – EHR and Task Management functionality
- 9091 Thornbury Nursing Services and off Framework suppliers
- 9036 Deacon Ward Learning Disability Beds, occupancy, costing, Staffing, incidents, HoNOS
- 8875 Insulin pumps
- 8838 Travel costs expenses 2019-2020; 2020-Current
- 8774 ICT M&T IS Strategy and Org Chart
- 8753 External well led review - CQC
- 8735 Food waste generated
- 8722 Health Practitioners to support Trust COVID 19
- 8719 Ethnicity of senior trust staff
- 8689 Sustainability and sustainable development strategy
- 8618 Ambulatory detoxes
- 8570 Whistleblowing concerns
- 8556 Disposal volumes of sharps containers – last 10 years
- 8549 PALS Complaints overweight - obese
- 8546 SELR (Structured English Language Reference) and MTI (Medical Training Initiative)
- 8540 Serious Incidents 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
- 8539 Munchausen Syndrome also known as fabricated induced illness
- 8535 Risk assessments Black Asian and Minority Ethnic BAME staff
- 8527 Departmental Structure Information Governance, Records Management and Legal Services
- 8525 Immigration Skills Charges
- 8519 Policy on leave for informal - voluntary admission
- 8515 Mobile Devices, software solutions, virtual desktop, Breach management
- 8513 Spend on junior doctors, 2017, 2018, 2019
- 8490 Covid-19 incidents
- 8473 Doctors Training
- 8471 Masks, respirators FFP3
- 8468 Vitamin D monitoring
- 8433 Agency and Bank spend by staff group 2019-2020.pdf
- 8426 Ventilators 23 March 2020
- 8425 SABP Staffing March 2018
- 8424 COSMHAD – Dual diagnosis
- 8421 Smoking ban
- 8420 ECT and rTMS treatments 2019
- 8325 Non-emergency patient transport services
- 8310 Racist or discriminatory behaviour from patients towards staff 2019
- 8290 Patient catering costs
- 8289 Business Continuity Plan and risk register
- 8279 Adult ADHD services, referrals, waiting lists
- 8278 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- 8238 Complaints sharing a single sex ward
- 8233 Room Decontamination - Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV Fogging) or Ultraviolet (UVC)
- 8227 Referrals to outpatient adult mental health services 2018 and 2019
- 8220 Medical students who lived in outside accommodation
- 8190 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments 2016-17 to 2018-19
- 8171 Staff benefits
- 8156 Missed appointments 2017-2019
- 8150 Employment of learning disabilities nurses RNLD
- 8148 FTE vacancies end Dec 2019, agency spend
- 8146 First Aid training
- 8145 ECT Calibration - service maintenance records
- 8118 Junior Doctor Rotations
- 8117 Simulation training – AI, Augmented, Mixed reality
- 8105 Absconded AWOL – Smoking related
- 8100 Consultant PAs
- 8099 Eating Disorder deaths 2015 - 2019
- 8096 Paper and digital health records management
- 8038 Food Bank referral
- 8035 Section 132 Mental Health Act 1983
- 8022 RTT validation and pathways
- 8003 People with no fixed abode discharged from your trust
- 7981 Demand side response agreements – National Grid
- 7977 Patient statistics Farnham Hospital
- 7910 Data Protection Officer
- 7906 Guidelines for managing drug dependent patients
- 7904 Lone worker device
- 7896 Clinical Decision Support Systems
- 7887 EPR Solutions – Patient and Clinical Portals
- 7843 Court intervention in the treatment of a critically ill child
- 7819 Physical assault injuries
- 7818 NHS reporting - Informatics
- 7815 Pharmacy and in-house services and suppliers
- 7793 Smoking access
- 7776 Electronic health record software
- 7754 Printer MFD
- 7744 Nurses eligible to care for Clozapine patients
- 7712 Older people's mental health wards
- 7711 Digitisation of Patient Records
- 7694 Transportation Service Survey
- 7667 Criteria for referrals CAMHS - IAPTUS
- 7665 SIRO, DPO and Caldicott Guardian
- 7658 Mental Health Decision Units
- 7657 International recruitment of staff
- 7639 Food wastage
- 7638 Laboratories
- 7631 Exception Reports
- 7629 Employee Health and Wellbeing Programmes
- 7627 Mixed Sex accommodation
- 7612 Gym - Fitness memberships prescriptions
- 7605 Unexpected deaths November 2018 Abraham Cowley Unit, Chertsey
- 7583 Front-line mental health jobs unoccupied
- 7580 Consultant-led Referral to Treatment (RTT) Waiting Times
- 7550 Safeguarding induction training
- 7538 Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme services
- 7535 Locum Agency & Bank spend 2018-2019, contract framework
- 7533 EBME - Clinical Engineering - Medical Engineering department
- 7528 Private patient activity within the NHS
- 7524 Training to non-clinical staff in charging patients
- 7510 Numbers of employees on a contract of less than 10 hours a week
- 7504 Bank & Agency spend 2017-18 and 2018-19 by staff group
- 7502 Secondary care discharge letters and referrals
- 7475 Complaints
- 7474 PALS - Compliments
- 7473 Bereavement Support
- 7468 SELR (Structured English Language Reference) Exemption and MTI (Medical Training Initiative) Route
- 7451 Medical scales contract
- 7449 Access to health records and record retention
- 7448 Facilities Management services
- 7447 Complaints about NHS staff and agency staff
- 7445 Patient privacy
- 7425 Private patient income
- 7410 NHS charges for UK citizens resident in non-EEA countries
- 7409 Domestic abuse
- 7407 Tests to diagnose children with autism
- 7406 Healthcare professionals from EU27 nations leaving NHS Trust
- 7397 Domestic abuse policy
- 7389 Instant messaging by clinicians
- 7384 Staff Bank solutions
- 7381 Medical misconduct complaints
- 7360 Overseas visitors charged for NHS care
- 7353 Workforce mental health
- 7308 Probation policy
- 7304 Missed outpatient appointments annually 2015-2018
- 7301 Interpretation and Translation costs and usage
- 7290 Listeria infections – The Good Food Chain
- 7283 Carers needs assessments & care plans
- 7270 Trust spend at inquests
- 7268 Cannabis based medical products
- 7242 Implementation of the Mental Health Act 1983
- 7239 Surrey High Intensity Partnership Programme - SHIPP
- 7236 Stop Smoking
- 7227 Patient homicides statistics 2013 - 2018
- 7213 Bank and Agency spend for the admin and clerical staff group – 2018-2019
- 7197 International recruitment
- 7184 Couple Therapy for Depression service
- 7160 Treatment for “internet sex addiction” or “porn addiction”
- 7111 Flexible Working Policy and Adoption
- 7100 Support for homeless patients
- 7099 HCPC practitioner psychologists
- 7071 Complaints Obese - overweight
- 7060 Clinical insourcing companies
- 7049 Referrals by primary schools
- 7047 Arrangements for Trust Bank and Agency Locums
- 7043 Fire retardant cladding
- 7026 Clinical service incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failure
- 7014 CAMHS Services NW Surrey CCG - East Surrey CCG - Guildford and Waverly CCG areas
- 7013 Animal Assisted Therapy
- 7007 Waiting times CAMHS Community teams and spend
- 6985 Use of Mechanical Restraint
- 6972 Early Intervention in Psychosis EIP 2017-2019
- 6964 CAMHS headcount
- 6962 Patient falls 2011-2018
- 6958 Use of ‘locked wards’
- 6935 Mental health and wellbeing digital apps
- 6925 Mental health social workers
- 6920 Part-time police officer and psychiatric nurse
- 6894 Employment of psychotherapists and counsellors
- 6877 Policies – CAMHS and Adult Mental Health Services
- 6858 Internet gaming - video game addiction
- 6855 Safe Aseptic Practice
- 6842 Junior Doctor Contract
- 6836 Reported thefts from patients 2016 to 2018
- 6831 Smoking Cessation
- 6819 Procurement metrics
- 6816 Recycling employer pension contributions
- 6752 Locum spend and clinical streaming
- 6751 Associate Hospital Manager appointment and equality and diversity data
- 6709 Serious incidents involving ligature points, 2015 to 2019
- 6622 Clinical and non-clinical incidents - costings
- 6594 Private hospital spend 2014-2015 to 2018-2019
- 6582 Champions of Flexible Training
- 6559 Female sanitary products
- 6541 Stolen medical equipment
- 6538 Delayed Discharges
- 6484 CCG – SABP medicines Management Committees
- 6481 Patients discharged -11pm and 6am
- 6480 School nurses employed by the trust
- 6478 Health Care Assistants, Mental Health Nurses and Psychiatric Nurses spend
- 6465 Sanitary products
- 6458 Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)
- 6385 ICD10 Codes F32 - Major depressive disorder, single episode
- 6379 Physical intervention training and physical restraint system
- 6361 Number of eating disorder patients under Section 3 MHA 2016 2017
- 6360 IAPT contracts
- 6346 Dual Diagnosis co-existing mental illness and substance use disorders
- 6344 Homeless or having no fixed abode 2013-14 to 2018-2019
- 6281 Deaths resulting from suicide - numbers treated by Trust
- 6278 Adult community eating disorders services
- 6245 Adult Mental Health admissions
- 6228 Deaths of children and young people
- 6209 NHS Wheelchair Services
- 6203 Children’s Fracture Treatment
- 6201 Locom and Permanent Doctor Vacancies
- 6197 District nurses
- 6156 referrals to treatment for eating disorders
- 6141 Community Mental Health teams discharge figures
- 6140 Continence and Catheterisation
- 6103 Tier 2, 3 and 4 CAMHS service
- 6101 A&E Mental Health Admissions
- 6099 Vending Machines
- 6098 Children treated on adult wards
- 6090 Sanitary Products
- 6083 Alcohol Care Teams
- 6063 Enchor Healthcare
- 6052 CAMHS Eating Disorder Service
- 6045 Vacant Beds on Deacon
- 6035 CAMHS Average waiting times
- 6020 Psychological Therapy in Community Mental Health Teams
- 5991 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients
- 5990 Tier 3 CAMHS referrals
- 5983 CAMHS Referrals
- 5980 Eating Disorder Wait Times, Referrals and Incidents
- 5979 Child and Adult Safeguarding
- 5975 Adult community eating disorders services.
- 5914 Out of Area Placements 2017-2018
- 5913 Nursing, Quality, Risk and Safety Organisation Charts
- 5910 Longest Lengths of Stay Across Divisions
- 5898 Occupational Therapist Roles
- 5867 ADHD Diagnoses in the Last Ten Years
- 5866 Care Programme Approach
- 5862 Community Psychiatric Nurses in CMHRS
- 5841 Hospital Policy on the Routine Management of Postpartum Women
- 5832 Spend on Translation
- 5831 CAMHS Waiting Times
- 5828 Surgical Services
- 5824 Accessibility of CAMHS services for children and young people
- 5822 Sexual Health Services
- 5815 Sexual Health Services
- 5810 Patient Charges
- 5797 Sexual Health Services
- 5796 Impairment Services
- 5751 ADHD Services for Adults
- 5734 Incidents in the Trust Over the Past Five Years
- 5732 Single Point of Access
- 5720 Maternity Services
- 5702 Pathology Courier
- 5691 Under 18's on Adult Wards
- 5688 CAMHS Referrals and Wait Times
- 5680 Eating Disorder Patients Sent to Scotland
- 5676 Prone Restrain on Patients
- 5675 Dressing and Bandage Spend
- 5674 Surgery Services
- 5671 Therapeutic Venesection
- 5668 Blood Services
- 5665 Patient Information Systems
- 5663 Radiology Services
- 5654 Walking Aids
- 5647 Pharmacy
- 5627 Endoscopy Services
- 5626 Ante Natal Services
- 5540 Maternity Services
- 5522 Inpatient Services
- 5504 Managed Services
- 5491 CAMHS Cannabinoids
- 5477 Derby House
- 5475 Absconding, Self-Harm and Suicide over the Last 5 Financial Years
- 5421 Under 18's on Wards
- 5419 Eating Disorder Patients
- 5401 Ophthalmology
- 5382 Orthopaedic, Mastectomies, Wide Local Excisions and Caesarian
- 5381 Dental Services
- 5357 Eating Disorders and Diabetes
- 5330 Electro-Convulsive Therapy Treatment 2015-2017
- 5329 CAMHS Out of Area Placements
- 5311 CEDS CYPS Community Eating Disorder
- 5309 Ovarian Cancer
- 5305 Maternal Request Caesarean Section
- 5303 Tier 3 Adult Drug Treatment Services, Hepatitis C Outreach
- 5257 Radiology
- 5252 CAMHS Referrals
- 5220 CAMHS Services
- 5216 Acute Services
- 5207 General Surgery Services
- 5206 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Services
- 5204 Out of Area Placement Treatment
- 5156 Acute Plagiocephaly Support Services
- 5135 Dementia Services
- 5113 Orthopedic Services
- 5107 Autistic Referrals
- 5102 CAMHS Staff
- 5096 and 5097 Cancer Services
- 5093 Inpatient Beds
- 5092 Headaches
- 5078 A&E
- 5067 Adult Mental Health
- 5066 Median and Maximum Inpatient Stay
- 5064 Scan for Safety
- 5052 Urinary Flow Rate Tests Service
- 5050 Diabetes
- 5047 Dental Services
- 5036 Orthopedic Services
- 5035 Emergency Psychiatry Assessments
- 5031 Circuit Lane Medical Group
- 5011 NHS Standards
- 5009 Cancer Services
- 5008 Haemostat Products
- 4998 Radicalisation Assessment
- 4993 Learning Disability Service Training
- 4991 Total Number of Nurses
- 4989 Eating Disorder CAMHS
- 4976 Breast Cancer Surgery
- 4972 Pharmacy
- 4937 Mobility Related Products
- 4936 Black Listed Patients
- 4908 Referrals to CAMHS
- 4897 Physiotherapy Staff
- 4872 X-Ray Services
- 4866 Inpatients Childrens Wards
- 4864 ADHD Services
- 4858 CAMHS Inpatients
- 4845 Genital Surgery
- 4822 Ophthalmology Services
- 4821 EIIP Service
- 4820 Mental Health Services
- 4814 Long Acting Injection Drugs
- 4810 HIV Patients
- 4792 Cataracts Surgery
- 4746 Pharmacy Services
- 4727 Acute Medical Services and Spend on CIS (Clinical Information System)
- 4723 Acute Services and Operations
- 4709 Decontamination Units
- 4708 Anticoagulation Services
- 4692 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services
- 4691 BSL Interpreters
- 4687 Cardiology Services
- 4682 Acute Medical Services
- 4681 Diagnostic Services
- 4678 Dental Procedures
- 4663 Acute Medical Service Equipment
- 4603 Cardiology Services
- 4598 Schizophrenia Diagnosis
- 4595 Oncology Medication
- 4594 Acquired Brain Injury Treatment
- 4583 Gaming Addiction
- 4577 Eating Disorder Service
- 4456 Medical Devices Manager Details
- 4448 Childrens Operations
- 4402 Wound Care
- 4400 Childrens Dental Services
- 4398 Executive Board
- 4397 Ophthalmological Procedures
- 4392 Sexual Health Testing
- 11925 Periods of Patient Seclusion since October 2021
- 11694 Clinical lead – Respiratory and Virtual Wards, ICB
- 11549 Psychological Therapies for People with Severe Mental Illness
- 11325 Pharmacist
- 11318 Local Care Record -Shared Care Record - vendor - area
- 11313 Virtual Wards
- 11260 Learning Disability nurses - locations – bands
- 11254 Training in response to sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace context
- 11122 Green Light Toolkit
- 11107 Covid-19 absences, RIDOR
- 11067 Trust policy on patients that self-harm
- 11036 Health and social care workers with contact with patients Covid exemptions
- 10974 Dedicated continence staff
- 10884 Medicines wastage, medication errors and adverse drug events
- 10795 Point of Care systems
- 10794 Care plan template
- 10740 SELR (Structured English Language Reference) Doctors
- 10739 ECT, Esketamine nasal spray, Ketamine infusion, r-TMS therapy
- 10731 Service contracts – Waste and Soft FM
- 10514 2018-2020 Spend on unlicensed medicine – imported, compounded-specials
- 10513 Robotic Process Automation - RPA
- 10224 Electronic prescription service (EPS)
- 10221 Spending on BSL and Braille
- 10219 ECT Service commissioning ECTAS
- 10179 Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
- 10157 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Social Marketing Services
- 10153 Equality and diversity MHA - Hospital Managers
- 10152 Associate Hospital Mangers section 23
- 10139 PFI sites – Hard Soft FM contracts
- 10123 Rehabilitation Service