- 9969 Car Leasing – Grey Fleet
- 9966 Supplier who supplied temporary staff 06 April 2020 and 05 April 2021- Spend
- 9963 Mental health solicitors firms - Matrix Advocacy Service
- 9953 Anonymous letters raising concerns around safeguarding
- 9952 Retirement applications- Jan 2016 to 1 June 2021
- 9951 Agency spend on FOI 9636
- 9939 Stonewall
- 9887 CAMHS data – waiting lists 2017-2018, 2018-2019; 2019-2020
- 9840 Expenditure files March and April 2020
- 9828 Gaming Disorders
- 9816 Datix – Risk Management
- 9813 Darktrace - Hospitality
- 9798 Patient Safety Specialists
- 9725 Quality Improvement - methodology
- 9724 Waverley CMHRS
- 9687 EPR system - contract details
- 9667 Facilities Management software
- 9656 Staff bank utilisation AHP, Non-medical clinical, system used
- 9642 Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder - ARFID
- 9638 Blood pressure cuffs, SpO2, Procedure packs, Syringes used- spend
- 9636 2020-2021 Locum staffing – Medical doctors
- 9559 Band 5 Agency Nurse rates and High Rates Band 5 Nurse hours
- 9478 Supplier management of medics annual appraisals, revalidation and 360 degree multi source feedback
- 9472 Invoice processing
- 9459 Mobile phones and Mobile Broadband devices, contracts
- 9342 Director restaurant expenses
- 9341 Covid-19 February to December 2020
- 8325 Non-emergency patient transport services
- 11122 Green Light Toolkit
- 11107 Covid-19 absences, RIDOR
- 11106 Equality Act 2010 with Protected Characteristics
- 11067 Trust policy on patients that self-harm
- 11056 Employment rights agreements
- 11043 Counter Fraud
- 11036 Health and social care workers with contact with patients Covid exemptions
- 11022 Off framework - agency
- 11013 Telephony – landline, Broadband and WAN
- 11001 Agency Staff Bank Managers, Mastervend, off-framework
- 10985 Private Patient Third Party Involvement
- 10975 Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration system EPMA
- 10974 Dedicated continence staff
- 10943 Patient Administration System (PAS)
- 10935 Payments made to charities and third sector organisations
- 10934 Off-Frame Mental Health Nursing agency staff
- 10925 Never events
- 10912 Global System of Supply Chain Standards GS1 and Pan-European Public Procurement Online systems PEPPOL
- 10903 Trust Executive and Nursing roles with bandings
- 10859 Rainbow crossings
- 10855 Sterile Services Department
- 10810 Carbon footprint
- 10795 Point of Care systems
- 10794 Care plan template
- 10792 Off-frame agencies - AHP
- 10748 Courier spend
- 10747 Recruitment spend
- 10741 Business intelligence and benchmarking tools
- 10740 SELR (Structured English Language Reference) Doctors
- 10734 Electronic Health Records (EHR)
- 10733 Covid 19 - Unvaccinated staff, wards infection
- 10732 Delayed discharges – hospital and nursing homes
- 10731 Service contracts – Waste and Soft FM
- 10730 Organisational structures
- 10729 Director’s listing, Payroll contacts
- 10728 Payments to Stonewall 2015-2021
- 10707 Vacancies 2016-2017 to 2020-2021 mental health nurses
- 10706 IT strategy
- 10699 PAS – EPR – EPMA suppliers
- 10695 Mobile phone use
- 10682 Memory clinics
- 10681 Energy tariff and costs, allowances
- 10657 Section 117 policy
- 10650 Food Waste
- 10648 Foureyes Insight
- 10640 Agenda for Change pay bands Qualified Electrical and Mechanical trade staff
- 10614 Management of annual appraisals, revalidation and 360 degree multi-source feedback
- 10612 Minor Construction Consultancy Framework
- 10607 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) information to patients
- 10602 Social Work posts
- 10596 Pharmacists Agenda for Change bands
- 10574 Hire target for agenda for change recruitment
- 10565 Trust spend on chaplaincy 2018-2021
- 10557 KUF Lived Experience Professional (LXP) role
- 10554 Funding grants
- 10553 Accessible Information Standard
- 10551 Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) incidents
- 10549 Payments £5,000 or more during 2020 – suppliers list
- 10546 Artworks purchased 2018-2021
- 10543 Persistent and vexatious complainants
- 10542 WAN, LAN, Telephony contracts
- 10536 Cloud Strategy - Public Cloud
- 10535 Average wait CAMHS service April 2020 – March 2021
- 10534 Waste disposal overseas
- 10516 Earnd – Contract
- 10514 2018-2020 Spend on unlicensed medicine – imported, compounded-specials
- 10513 Robotic Process Automation - RPA
- 10509 RIDOR 2020 - 2021 – SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19
- 10508Training resources to the routine enquiry into trauma
- 10506 Accessible Information Standards – Policies, complaints and issued information
- 10505 Finance Software Solution
- 10503 Datix Data breaches 2016-2021
- 10499 Construction projects 2010 £1m plus
- 10498 Medication - use of drugs listed, F20 Schizophrenia diagnosis
- 10233 Single Covid-19 vaccine doses administered
- 10224 Electronic prescription service (EPS)
- 10221 Spending on BSL and Braille
- 10219 ECT Service commissioning ECTAS
- 10212 Working arrangements
- 10192 Mobile phones - providers
- 10179 Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
- 10176 Clinical Outsourcing – not agency, locum, or outsourcing
- 10174 Spend on electrical suppliers 2020-2021
- 10163 Hard and Soft FM contracts
- 10159 Framework G-Cloud 12 Digital capability assessment and advisory support suppliers
- 10157 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Social Marketing Services
- 10153 Equality and diversity MHA - Hospital Managers
- 10152 Associate Hospital Mangers section 23
- 10139 PFI sites – Hard Soft FM contracts
- 10127 Windows 7 – XP
- 10123 Rehabilitation Service
- 10089 Professional Services - Organisational and People Development Framework
- 10060 Safe-guarding anonymous letters
- 10036 Stonewall payments 2018-2019 to 2020-2021
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