Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is part of the NHS. A full list of NHS Trusts can be found at We provide a range of mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services across the boroughs of Runnymede, Spelthorne, Elmbridge, Woking, Rushmoor, Surrey Heath, Hart, Waverley, Guildford, Mole Valley, Epsom and Ewell and Tandridge. We also provide some services in Croydon, Hampshire and Brighton. This represents a total population of around 1.3 million.
Access our list of services
Our work as a Trust is based upon the strategic direction established by the Department of Health. The Department’s website has links to the key national strategies, such as the NHS Plan and the Mental Health National Service Framework, that guide our organisation and the wider NHS.
Working in Partnership with Non-NHS Organisations
The Trust also works in partnership with a number of non-NHS organisations in Surrey to ensure local delivery of services and their development in accordance with national guidance and local needs. These partners include local authorities, educational establishments, police, prison service, probation service, not-for-profit organisations and community groups. We are particularly proud of our close links with Social Services and groups representing people who use services and carers.
Some of these organisations are involved in the joint delivery of services with us. If you would like to know more about these arrangements and how these services are managed, please contact the Information Governance Team at:
Information Governance Team
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
18 Mole Business Park
Surrey KT22 7AD
Tel: 0300 5555 222
SMS text: 07786 202 545
Organisation of the Trust
Our Trust Board has:
- Six Non-Executive Directors, including the Chairman, with voting rights
- Six voting Executive Directors, including the Chief Executive, with voting rights
- Two non-voting Executive Directors
The Chairman of Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is Dr Ian McPherson and the Chief Executive is Graham Wareham. Both Graham and Ian can be contacted at:
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
18 Mole Business Park
Surrey KT22 7AD
Tel: 0300 5555 222
SMS text: 07786 202 545
For further information use the links below:
- Our Trust Board
- Board Papers
- Council of Governors