Our occupational therapists run individual and group programmes to support people using our services to develop skills and maintain occupations as a part of their  recovery journey. OT Week 2023 is all about explaining what occupations are in the context of occupational therapy.

In the context of occupational therapy, what are occupations?

An occupation is any activity that we need, want or like to do to live and to look after our physical and mental health, and our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We do occupations from the moment we are born, on our own or with others.

Occupation isn’t just your job or activities in your daily life

An occupation can be:

  • Self-care, such as washing, eating or sleeping
  • Productive, such as work, study, caring or domestic activities
  • Leisure, such as playing sports, hobbies or socialising

Occupations are the building blocks of life, but why do they matter?

Occupations are essential to living. They give our lives meaning, purpose and structure. They help shape who we are, connect us with others and develop our identities and sense of belonging.

Through occupations we enhance our health and quality of life. Focusing on occupation leads to improvements in our ability to do the things we need and want to do, our social relationships, communication and connections as well as our mood, rest and sleep.

Occupational therapy can improve our quality of life

Occupational therapists see beyond diagnoses and limitations to hopes and aspirations. They look at the relationship between your occupations, the challenges you face and your environment. Occupational therapy helps you live your best life at home, at work – and everywhere else.

Find out about the pathway to becoming an occupational therapist.