Published on: Tuesday 20th June 2023

Professor Raja Mukherjee, an Adult Learning Disability Consultant Psychiatrist at our Trust, has been awarded an MBE in the King’s Birthday Honours for services to people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Professor Mukherjee is a national expert in the treatment of FASD in children and adults and has helped shape and improve national understanding of the condition. FASD is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that can occur in a person who was exposed to alcohol before birth. These effects can have lifelong implications and can cause problems in a range of areas spanning learning, concentration, vision, hearing, managing emotions, hyperactivity and issues with joints, muscles and organs

Professor Mukherjee started our FASD Clinic in 2009. It is the first and remains the only NHS specialist clinic for assessing and treating children and adults with FASD. Since the clinic opened, Professor Mukherjee has seen over 250 cases for specialist second opinion as a National Referral Service.

Last year, Professor Mukherjee served as the specialist member for the National Institute for Healthcare Excellence (NICE) advisory committee which created a new quality standard to improve diagnosis and assessment of FASD in children and young people. He has also acted as an invited advisor to the British Medical Association Board of Science, The Department of Health and the World Health Organisation on the subject of FASD. In 2021 he was made an Honorary Professor at the University of Salford related to his work on FASD.

Professor Mukherjee said: “I am delighted and honoured to receive this MBE. I am proud that my work has helped to improve the quality of life for people with FASD and that the treatment and support available is improving constantly thanks to the dedication and skills of people working in the sector.”

For more information about our FASD clinic, please visit: