Published on: Wednesday 7th September 2022

To preserve some of the Abraham Cowley Unit’s (ACU) history, we are saving some of its bricks to build a piece of garden furniture which will be erected in the new hospital’s grounds. Whilst the contractors have begun demolishing the building so we can build the new hospital, the ACU remains an important part of the Trust’s history.

We’d like to invite colleagues, people who used our services at the ACU and their families and carers to come along and sign a brick or dedicate one on someone’s behalf. The garden furniture will be built so that the names are not visible to protect people’s identities. 

We are holding sessions on the following dates:
•    Tuesday 27 September -  1300-1400 and 1400-1500 
•    Friday 30 September - 0930-1030 and 1030-1130

If you would like to attend, please register via Eventbrite so we know to expect you. We need to safely manage the number of people attending the building site so numbers will be limited.

We recognise that there are likely to be a range of feelings about the old building and so members of our clinical team and Chaplaincy service will be available to provide support, if required. 

If you would like to sign, or dedicate, a brick but are unable to attend, we are looking at whether we can make some bricks available at a single Trust location. If you would like more information on this, please email the team at: