If you are a young carer, you probably look after one of your parents, or care for a brother or sister. You may do extra jobs around your home, provide physical support (such as helping someone to get dressed). You may also provide emotional support. It's natural to want to help someone in your family who needs support, but young carers shouldn't do the same things as an adult carer.
If you spend a lot of time caring for someone else it can start to affect how well you do at school, your own emotional wellbeing can be impacted, and it can stop you from doing the same things as other people your age.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are entitled to a young carer's assessment from your local council which will identify any support you and your family might need. A written record of the assessment should always be shared with you. You can contact your local council by phone, in writing or online:
NHS Choices has helpful information on their website about being a young carer and what your rights are.
Visit the NHS Choices guide to care and support