All of our courses are taught by a recovery coach - someone who has lived experience of physical or mental illness either personally or through a caring role - and a professional.

Our Recovery Coaches

Our Recovery Coaches come from a diverse array of backgrounds and are true experts by experience. They have successfully managed their own conditions and wholeheartedly embrace the philosophy of recovery. Here’s how their lived experience benefits others on their journey to wellness:

  1. Unique skill set: People with lived experience bring a unique perspective and skill set that can significantly aid others in their recovery process.
  2. Examples of hope: By sharing their personal stories, our Recovery Coaches provide tangible examples of hope, showing that recovery is not only possible but achievable.
  3. Empowerment: They foster empowerment by demonstrating resilience and self-management, encouraging others to take charge of their own recovery journey.
  4. Strategies for success: Our coaches share practical strategies and coping mechanisms that have worked for them, offering valuable tools that others can apply in their own lives.
  5. Reducing isolation and stigma: By openly discussing their experiences, they help to reduce feelings of isolation and break down the stigma associated with mental illness, creating a more understanding and supportive community.

Our Recovery Coaches use the wisdom of their lived experience to inspire hope and instill a strong belief in the possibility of recovery. Their journeys serve as powerful reminders that with support, determination, and the right strategies, anyone can achieve wellness.

Our professionals

Our team of dedicated professionals brings a wealth of expertise and a human touch to everything we do. Here's how their contributions make a difference:

  1. Expert knowledge and evidence-based practice: Our professionals are well-versed in the latest research and clinical theories. They provide essential clinical information, answer questions, and ensure our practices are grounded in proven, evidence-based methods.
  2. Co-production and collaboration: We believe in the power of co-production. Our professionals understand its principles and successes, which enable us to design and deliver in-depth courses on crucial topics like Understanding PTSD and Understanding Mental Health Medication in safe and supportive settings.
  3. Course development and clinical updates: Their expertise is invaluable in developing and updating our courses, ensuring the content is current, relevant, and effective for both learners and patients.
  4. The human connection: Beyond their clinical skills, our professionals bring empathy, compassion, and a genuine commitment to improving lives. They understand the importance of building trust and providing personalized care, making our environment one where everyone feels valued and supported.

Our professionals are not just experts in their fields; they are dedicated individuals who care deeply about the people they serve. This combination of professional excellence and heartfelt compassion is what contributes to making our team truly exceptional.