Guidance for healthcare professionals on how to make an urgent adult mental health referral
If you are a healthcare professional, or a voluntary or statutory agency and need to make a referral to our adult mental health services for a person experiencing a mental health crisis or in need of 24-hour support, this is available for you to do 24-hours a day by calling:-
Health Care Professionals Line on 0300 222 5794
For emergency referrals:
Please contact our 24-hour Health Care Professionals Line on the number above for anyone deemed to be at imminent risk.
For urgent or routine referrals:
GPs can make referrals through the Electronic Referral System (E-Rs).
For all other external agencies including private providers, please contact the Health Care Professionals Line and our team will provide you with the necessary information and guidance on how to proceed with the referral.
Important: Immediate risk
If you believe the person is at immediate risk of harm to themselves or others, please ensure they are taken to the nearest Accident and Emergency (A&E) department or dial 999 for immediate assistance.
For members of the public:
Members of the public can call our 24-hour crisis helpline on 0800 915 4644.