Contact Details
18 Mole Business Park,
Randalls Road,
KT22 7AD,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01372 216700
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Service Description
SUN (Service User Network) provides facilitated peer-support groups for over 18s with complex emotional needs, or Personality Disorder (diagnosed or undiagnosed), in the community. By joining SUN, you have the opportunity to build healthy relationships and support each other by sharing your own experiences. To complete your SUN membership, after joining via the membership form online, you are required to attend a group and complete their Resource and Support Plan (RASP) within six months of signing up. SUN membership is not time limited and will only be ended if you move out of the area, or in cases of extreme unsupportive behaviour.
Groups are held every week day, both online and face-to-face. Each group is facilitated by a clinician and a facilitator with lived experience of complex emotional needs or Personality Disorder.
Referral Process
To join, please complete the online membership form on the SUN webpage. Please note any referrals that are not made by the individual will not be accepted. We recognise different needs and challenges and individuals may be supported to complete the self-referral.
Referral Criteria
No formal diagnosis is required. Over 18. GP in Surrey and NE Hants.