Contact Details
Worple Road,
TW18 1ED,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01784 465 134
Opening Times
24 hours a day, 7 days a week (closed only for occasional training days & over Christmas)
Contact Names
Team Manager: Jasmin Strothmann
Service Manager: Mel Lees
Out of Hours Contact
Trust Switchboard: 0300 5555 222
Service Description
Kingscroft is a short break (respite) service with 7 beds for adults over 18 with learning disabilities and additional specialist and complex healthcare needs, living in Surrey. It is a ground floor building providing modern facilities including two lounges, Arjo jacuzzi baths, a sensory room, ceiling tracking, profiling beds and TV/DVD in all bedrooms as well as a large sensory garden area with in-ground trampoline.
Email enquiries and referrals can be made to:
On receipt of referral an assessment will be completed within two weeks after which a phased introduction to the service can commence if criteria are met and places are available. Kingscroft provides a person centred planned short break to those known to the service. We do not provide emergency admissions to those unknown to the service.
Referral Process
Call or email the manager for an assessment to be completed, preferably with pen picture or community care assessment
Referral Criteria
Adults aged 18 years and above with a learning disability and complex and additional health needs which cannot be met in social care short breaks services.