Contact Details

Unither House,
Curfew Bell Road,
KT16 9FG,
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01932 587060


Opening Times

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Evening appointments available by arrangement with team/practitioner

Contact Names

Service Manager: Duncan Sloman

North West Locality Associate Director: Richard Ilsley

Service Description

Our Community Mental Health Recovery Services are Secondary Mental Health Teams who provide assessments for evidence based, time limited treatment and psychological interventions for adults with severe and enduring mental health issues. The focus of our whole service is promoting recovery and independence and developing self-management strategies to encourage people to achieve their potential in the community.

We are a multidisciplinary team who provide advice and support for GPs and work with individuals and their carers and can refer or signpost to a number of statutory, independent  and voluntary sector agencies.  We seek to work closely with individuals and their families as well as other organisations where consent has been given. 

For any support with social care needs please contact Surrey County Council at: or call: 0300 200 1005

You can self-refer for an assessment of your care and support needs here: Can I get help? (

Mental Health Crisis Support

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress you can contact our Mental Health Crisis Helpline on 0800 915 4644. We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for mental health advice and support. More information at

People with speech or hearing difficulties can access the mental health crisis line by:

  • Dialling us through the BT Relay App or Textphone: 18001 0800 915 4644. More information at
  • Sending an SMS text to 07717 989 024 (Please note this service is only available to adults aged 18 years and over).

Referral Process

We accept referrals from: GPs, IAPT talking therapy providers and social services.

  • GPs can refer to us using the NHS Electronic Referral Service
  • Other referrers can email a referral to:
  • Call 0300 456 8342​ to speak to our Single Point of Access for Adult Mental Health Services / Mental Health Crisis Helpline if a same day response is needed or you would like to follow up on a referral. We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Referral Criteria

Adults aged 18-65 who are experiencing acute or severe and enduring mental health problems, including personality disorder, that requires assessment and intervention from a secondary care team. 

Waiting Times

28 days for routine appointments, five days for urgent appointments and emergency referrals will be assessed on the same day. 

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NB: Map points may not be 100% accurate and are for general reference only. Please contact the service directly if you require directions.