Contact Details
Unither House,
Curfew Bell Road,
KT16 9FG,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01932 587033
Opening Times
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm (excluding bank holidays)
Contact Names
Sector Manager: Joe Aduboffour
Service Description
The Older People’s Community Mental Health Team offers assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support for people over 65 who present with functional mental health illnesses; deterioration in cognition and/or dementia. Access to the service is via a single point of access, whereby all referrals are discussed by the multi-disciplinary team and the most appropriate range of assessment/treatment and support offered. Within the team we have doctors, mental health nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, social care practitioners and support workers. The team works closely with other services, such as social care, and also with the voluntary sector, particularly the Alzheimer’s Society, to provide positive support for people using services and their carers ensuring effective forward signposting where appropriate. A range of options are available depending on the needs of the person using services, these options will be discussed fully with individuals who present to these services.
Mental Health Crisis Support
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress you can contact our Mental Health Crisis Helpline on 0800 915 4644. We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for mental health advice and support. More information at
People with speech or hearing difficulties can access the mental health crisis line by:
- Dialling us through the BT Relay App or Textphone: 18001 0800 915 4644. More information at
- Sending an SMS text to 07717 989 024 (Please note this service is only available to adults aged 18 years and over).
Referral Process
We have revised our referral process, effective from 4 January 2021. From this date referrals for older adults will be handled by our Single Point of Access (SPA) rather than our Triage for Older People Services (TOPS).
To make a referral, GPs and other health professionals should now follow the process outlined below:
- GPs should submit referrals to SPA using ERS (Electronic Referral Service)
- Other health and care professionals should email a referral to:
- GPs and all health and care professionals can call 0300 456 8342 to speak to SPA about a referral.
Please note:
- The response time for urgent, emergency and routine referrals received Mon-Fri between 9am-5pm will continue to be the same
- The process for contacting an on call older adults' consultant/registrar (after 5pm Mon-Fri and at weekends and on bank holidays) also remains the same and professionals should call 0300 5555 222.
Referral Criteria
The service accepts referrals for people over 65 with concerns about their memory, including mild cognitive impairment, functional mental health problems (for example depression, anxiety, psychosis, bipolar disorder) whose needs cannot be met in primary care, and who are not under the Adult Mental Health Services or discharged from adult services within the last year. Referrals will also be accepted for those whose needs cannot be met by the Improving Access to Psychological Therapy Service. Referrals for people with younger onset dementia are accepted based on assessment of need and in consultation with adult mental health services and/or neurology once a diagnosis has been confirmed.
Waiting Times
4-8 weeks for routine appointments