Contact Details
Psychiatric Liaison Team,
Modular building (Next to A&E),
Epsom Hospital,
Dorking Road,
KT18 7EG,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01372 216 600/ 735735 EXT 6864 / Contact on bleep 920 via SABP switchboard on 0300 5555 222
Opening Times
24 hours, 7 Days a week
Contact Names
Service Manager: Pretima Seeruthan
General manager: John Jefferies
Out of Hours Contact
Trust Switchboard: 0300 5555 222
Service Description
The Liaison Psychiatry Service at Epsom General Hospital offers a range of services to the general hospital including inpatients being treated for physical illness that have mental health problems complicating their care and discharge.
The service also sees people who present to the A&E department with a mental health crisis and/or deliberate self-harm. We accept referrals for patients aged 16 and above.
The services we offer include:
- Mental health assessments
- A range of psychological, psychosocial and pharmacological treatments
- Consultation, advice and assistance in the management of common mental health problems and serious behavioural disorders in a mental health context
- Referral and signposting to appropriate agencies following assessment
- Support and advice for carers.