Contact Details
Elm House,
Frimley Park Hospital,
Portsmouth Road,
GU16 7UJ,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0300 613 6215
Opening Times
- Working Age Adult A&E and ward referrals 24 hours 7 days a week
- Older Age Adult A&E and ward referrals 24 hours 7 days a week
Contact Names
Service Manager: Michelle Golds
General Manager: Matt Lamport
Out of Hours Contact
Trust Switchboard: 0300 6145000
Service Description
The service addresses the psychological needs of patients attending Frimley Park Hospital. This includes people who present with primarily a mental health issue, as well as those whose psychological difficulties have arisen as a result of physical illness or contribute to difficulties in managing that illness.
Operational hours
- 24 hour service for Working Age Adults A&E and ward referrals
- 24 hour service for Older Age Adults A&E and ward referrals
Frimley Park switchboard: 0300 6145000
- Bleep 5255 (Working-Age Adults and Older Age Adults)
Referral Process
Single point of referral from all wards in Frimley Park Hospital via Patient Centre. Bleep/telephone referrals from A&E, Medical Assessment Unit and Clinical Decision Unit. Bleep no 5255 for Working Age Adult and Older Age Adult.
Referral Criteria
Adults aged 18 years and above who present with a mental health problem and are at risk to themselves and/or others