Our impact

We know that many of you are already using trauma-informed approaches in your work, or are planning on making some changes to be more trauma-informed.

You can see the results from our feedback survey and quotes from some of our training participants below.

We would love to hear from you about how this is making a difference to you, your team and/or the people who use your service. Please get in touch by emailing us at traumainformed@sabp.nhs.uk and we can add your stories here.

94.9% obtained new knowledge and skills. 93.7% feel able to apply their learning. 94.2% would recommend the training to their colleagues

(Feedback form data 2022-2023, based on 1019 responses. Percentages represent respondees who agreed or strongly agreed with that statement)

What people are saying:

"It was really useful to have time to re-focus on trauma-informed care. I work with learning disabled and autistic young people, but as professionals, we can get so busy that we do not always reflect on HOW work is offered/completed as much as we should. Thank you"

Safeguarding Adviser, Surrey. Attended 'Trauma-Informed Approaches to Support Autistic People'.


"The lived experience brought it to life completely. I've never seen the stress bucket, so that was really powerful and a really easy way to break things down. The animation was also a great visual way to show what carers take on…fantastic session, I will be asking my staff to sign up to this session."

Patient Experience Manager at a hospital Trust. Attended ‘Being Trauma Informed with Carers’.