Here are our top picks of resources to help you get started with trauma-informed approaches:


SAMHSA is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that has produced trauma-informed care guidance and principles that are internationally recognised and a framework we follow closely.

SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

NHS Education for Scotland (Video)

An insightful video to help understand the impact of trauma on children, their behaviour and the importance of healthy relationships, and shows how positive differences can help children of all ages, grow and develop

Sowing Seeds: Trauma-Informed Practice for Anyone Working with Children and Young People from NES on Vimeo.



National Trauma Training Programme

Led by NHS Education for Scotland, The National Trauma Training Programme aimed to create resources that teach how to understand, recognise, and respond to trauma and to make sure they can be adapted to all services, teams and organisations.

National trauma training programme | Turas | Learn (


A platform where people working within the NHS can connect and discuss work, share resources, and learn from each other. There is a specific channel for trauma-informed care as well as many others that you might want to join covering everything from mental to physical health.

FutureNHS Collaboration Platform - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform

Dr Karen Treisman

Dr. Karen Treisman, MBE, is an award-winning specialist Clinical Psychologist, trainer, and author. She is also the Director of Safe Hands and Thinking Minds Training and Consultancy services. In this ready-to-use resource, she supports organisations to embody and infuse the values, theories and principles of trauma-informed practice into the daily practice and whole fabric of their organisation, brought alive by real-world practice case studies, reflective examples and colourful infographics.

A-Treasure-Box-for-Creating-Trauma-Informed-Organizations-Brochure.pdf (


What Happened to You? (Book)

Oprah Winfrey and Dr Bruce Perry, a renowned psychiatrist and brain and trauma expert, discuss the impact of trauma and adverse experiences at a young age, understanding ourselves, other people, and behaviours, and how a subtle shift to asking, “What happened to you?” instead of “What’s wrong with you?” can allow us a clear pathway to our future and understanding our pasts.

What Happened to You? - Google Books

What Happened to You? (Video)

Following their book, What Happened to You?, Oprah Winfrey and Bruce Perry, M.D. join Bruce Shapiro, Executive Director of The Dart Centre, For Journalism and Trauma, for a conversation about their book, as well as trauma, resilience, and neuroscience.

Mind: Wellness Action Plan

A valuable document that can be monitored and updated and allows you and your manager to promote your wellbeing or address any existing mental health needs, including any adjustments you may wish to discuss.

Wellness Action Plan Sign Up - Mind

Nadine Harris Ted Talk (Video)

In this video, paediatrician and former Surgeon General for California, Nadine Harris, explains her research on the repeated toxic stresses of abuse and neglect in childhood, ACE’s, and the real and tangible effects on the development of the brain and harmful effects to health outcomes later in life.

Anna Freud’s Childhood Trauma and the Brain (Video)

Anna Freud CBE was a British psychoanalyst. This video is an introduction to what happens in the brain after children face traumatic experiences, like abuse and neglect, how these experiences can put them at a greater risk of mental health problems later in life and how we might intervene in a trauma-informed way to Anna Freud’s, Childhood Trauma and the Brain promote more resilient outcomes.