How you can support our work

Gifts in kind are donations of goods, services, and skills, donated free of charge or at a discounted rate.

How communities have helped us

Throughout the pandemic and afterwards local communities have supported our fantastic staff and teams through a generous range of non-financial gifts including hampers, food, drinks, scrub bags and hot meals. We are very grateful for the outpouring of support from individuals, groups and companies.

Current appeal - The Christmas Bag Project

From time to time we have differing needs across our services which we offer you as a way to support the crucial work and care at Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

We have a current need and a chance for you to donate a Christmas gift to share the festive spirit with young people leaving care.

This year we are asking colleagues and supporters to donate to our Christmas Bag Project, to provide Care Leavers who use our New Leaf service with a bag of goodies to open on Christmas Day.

Why your help is needed

The New Leaf service works with care leavers aged 16-25 years old who are struggling with emotional and mental health difficulties. 

Emrald Greenidge, New Leaf Clinical Lead said: "Young people who've received gifts through our Christmas Bag Projects have been so touched by people's generosity. It's only possible for us to run this campaign again this year with the help of colleagues and supporters. Donations will be gratefully received."

How to donate to the Christmas Bag Project

You can donate through this Amazon wish list of items that are most needed.

Donated items need to be received by Friday, 29 November in order for the service to be able to wrap and distribute them in time. Please send any gifts direct from Amazon or in the internal post to: c/o Care Leavers, Ramsay House, Richmond Crescent, Epsom, KT19 8PH.

For any queries, please contact Lila Dowie, Head of Fundraising

Did you know:
•    Around 10,000 young people in England age out of the care system every year on their 18th birthday
•    These care leavers make up 25 per cent of the homeless population
•    Almost 25 per cent of the adult prison population have previously been in care
•    Nearly 50 per cent of under 21-year-olds in contact with the criminal justice system have spent time in care

Your donation will be used to support our vital work with care leavers aged 16-25 years old. Any amount or item you can donate will be deeply appreciated.