Urgent help

There is a free 24/7 mental health crisis line for children aged from six years, young people, and their families or carers who are in crisis.

Please call 0800 915 4644 to talk with a professional who will provide advice, support, and signposting to a range of community services. It’s open all day and all night, seven days a week. 

Professionals can contact our Early Help team if they have a child or young person in crisis. The team can be contacted on 01252 335 600, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

We provide specialist NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) across North East Hampshire for children and young people aged 5-18 years old who are finding it hard to manage their emotional, psychological, and mental health.

Services we provide 

We have a range of teams available depending on the child or young person’s needs. These are made up of different clinical and professional staff who are trained and experienced in working with children, young people, their families, and carers. Our services are based in the community so support can be provided close to home. 

Service Service description

Early help

Our Early Help team focus on positive mental health and wellbeing for those with moderate needs.

Aldershot Children and Young People’s Community CAMHS team 

This team provides support and care for young people who are suffering from acute, chronic, or severe mental health. 

They provide neurodevelopmental assessment and treatment for children and young people who also have mental health needs, and support for those who are in care or have learning disabilities. 

Children’s Eating Disorders  

Our Children’s Eating Disorders team works with children, young people, and their families or carers to treat eating disorders.  

They look at physical health as well as mental health and, working together with families and carers, they will put together a treatment plan to help support a child or young person.   

Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) – Aldershot and Rushmoor 

Our Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) partner with schools in North East Hampshire to provide mental health and emotional wellbeing support.  

Our focus is on early intervention, prevention, and promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing for children and young people who are thriving, coping, or would benefit from getting help. 

Not every school has a MHST, so please contact your school to find out. 

Crisis Intervention Service 

Our Crisis Team works with children and young people experiencing a mental health crisis or acute mental health problem. 

NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety & depression 

  • Young people aged 16+ can access NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety & Depression - TalkPlus. Talking therapies, or psychological therapies, are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited NHS practitioners. They can help people struggling with things like feelings of depression, excessive worry or social anxiety. You do not need to have a diagnosed mental health problem to refer yourself to an NHS talking therapies service.

Youth Counselling Service

  • Youth Counselling is also available for young people aged 12 to 24. Counselling is about helping to make sense of someone’s thoughts and feelings. We can help by looking at difficulties and problems and work through any concerns. Young people can talk about anything that is worrying them like relationships, families, drugs, pregnancy, sexuality, stress, bullying, feeling low, depression or anything else.  

    More information is available here: Youth Counselling Service:: Mindworks Surrey (mindworks-surrey.org).


  • Kooth is a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service for young people aged 11-25 years (up to their 26th birthday) in Hampshire. It offers a safe way to access support for emotional health and wellbeing needs from a team of professional qualified counsellors. No referral is needed. 

NHS 111 Mental Health Triage team

We accept referrals from health, social care, and education professionals. The referrals portal previously available via the Hampshire CAMHS website cannot be used to make a referral from 1 February 2024.

  • GPs should use eRS to make referrals. On eRS, this will show as ‘North East Hampshire CAMHS’ and ‘North East Hampshire CAMHS Eating Disorders’.

  • All other health, education and social care professionals should use our children’s referrals portal to make a referral. 

Children’s Eating Disorders referrals - For our Children’s Eating Disorders service, we can accept self-referrals which should be made by contacting the Eating Disorders team directly.

Neurodevelopmental assessment & treatment - We accept referrals for neurodevelopmental assessment and treatment where the child or young person also has mental health needs. Common neurodevelopmental conditions include autism spectrum condition and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  

For children and young people aged 6-17 years inclusive who require a neurodiversity assessment and who do not have a co-occurring mental health need, please refer to Psicon using the current referral route which has been extended to include 12-17 year olds.

We value your feedback as it helps us monitor and improve our services and deliver better care.  

If you want to make a comment, share something positive or make a complaint, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). More information on PALS is available here.